Photo by Josie Brooks
Unlimited planning hours as needed
Unlimited email correspondence
Customized planning portal to house all vendor documentation and track planning details in one place
Budget analysis & guidance
Access to all Your Plan A Events Vendor Partner Programs
Venue vetting and selection
Negotiating, booking, and design with all vendor categories for the entire wedding
Design and styling board for all portions of the wedding experience
Detailed interactive planning guide to ensure all personal items are addressed
Registry checks and “in in lieu of gifts” guidance (as desired)
Wedding room block coordination/negotiations for the couple and all attending wedding guests
Wedding website consultations and management
Permits and insurance guidance
Outlining of marriage license procedures
Stationery consulting and full RSVP mail-in management (this means no waiting in line at the Post Office or late nights licking and sealing envelopes to get save the dates or invitations sent out on time)
Timeline for special hygiene and grooming trials/appointments
Attire styling & alterations recommendations
Menu and tasting guidance
Welcome gift design, assembly, and delivery
Wedding day nourishment recommendations for the couple and wedding party
Creating and dispersing a detailed timeline unique to all vendors
Creating and dispersing a detailed floor plan of the venue and/or map of the destination
Guidance for immediate family members or wedding party equivalents
Facilitating a ceremony rehearsal
Wedding Emergency and Disaster Mitigation Kit
Managing the wedding day itself - our team arrives before you open your eyes and stays until the last crumb is removed from the event space surface
Directing and facilitating complete venue cleanup
Post wedding etiquette guidance